Aimee's Audios
Subliminal Acoustic Fingerprinting
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Connecticut Court Case
Written Affidavits are being accepted from all victims that lives within the United States of America or who has duel citizenship.
Affidavits are written testimonies to what you are experiencing: All affidavits need to be in a word document, well written, properly checked for spelling errors, doubled spaced, and size 12 font.
Affidavits are NOT representation of organizations, videos, and articles, they are about YOU, Your experiences, Your harassment, Your assaults, Your hacking, based off EVIDENCE that You've collected.
This case is currently in Federal court and has been successful for over 2 years as of date.
Case Number: 22 CV: 010165
New Haven Connecticut
Against, stalking, harassment, telecommunications companies (5G)
Case is Pro Se